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plan & build

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“Essential additions to structural engineering – what comes before and after timber construction statics”

After the welcome and a review of the last regulars’ table, an online presentation by Univ.-Prof. Arch. DI Hans Lechner (Hans Lechner ZT, Vienna) followed on the topic “Tender submission and fee calculation with the structural engineering performance profile of LM.VM.2023 – what matters”. Prof. Lechner explained the main innovations according to the newly published performance profile (LM.VM.2023) in 2023 and emphasized the importance of a detailed service description, both for services for planners and construction services by contractors. Often, it seems to be a matter of understanding and “interpretation possibilities” that the scope of the planning service, e.g., architecture or structural engineering, is understood differently. Therefore, in spring 2024, Prof. Lechner also published a correspondingly comprehensive commentary on LM.VM.2023 to give users the opportunity to correctly interpret the intended scope of services. In the subsequent discussion, the participants shared their experiences with the LM.VM. (both versions 2014 and 2023) and addressed, among other things, the challenges and best practices in tender submission, but also the “usual”, sometimes ruinously effective discounts in structural engineering. The consensus was that this approach is enormously damaging to timber construction in total due to missing but certainly necessary detailing at an early stage.

During the subsequent break, over coffee and pastries, the discount culture in the field of structural engineering was controversially discussed, also in view of other disciplines such as architecture, building physics, and other specialized planning, and the approaches within the colleagues were critically examined.

After the break, DI Dr. Jörg Koppelhuber (KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG) gave a presentation on “Planning information and tender requirements – what the tendering party needs from the timber construction structural engineer”. He emphasized the necessity of detailed, clear, and above all “finished” planning at the time of tendering. It was discussed what “finished planning” means for structural engineering at the time of tendering, how this is represented in the plans and details of timber construction structural engineers, and how this aligns with LM.VM. can be offered or charged. He also explained why it is of great advantage in timber construction to tender a building as a “building envelope sealed”, i.e., timber construction + timber-related trades as ONE tender package.

Immediately afterwards, DDI Christian Dold (KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG) gave the presentation “Moisture management and quality assurance in execution”. Using current examples from practice in the context of conducted quality assurance, the enormous importance of moisture management during the construction phase was demonstrated. Through the active participation in the discussion during the presentation, the topic received the desired attention and clearly showed the problems in the execution phase. It turned out that in view of the increasingly larger, more voluminous timber construction projects, combined with new – often still inexperienced in timber construction – market participants, the topic of moisture management – in general, by all project participants – is still given too little attention. Thus, the importance of moisture management and ongoing and detailed quality assurance in prefabrication and on the construction site in the context of modern timber construction could be emphasized in the round of timber construction structural engineers.

As has been customary in the past, the roundtable concluded with a convivial gathering and a buffet, which offered participants the opportunity for informal exchange and networking. The 32nd Timber Construction Structural Engineers’ Regulars’ Table once again confirmed its role as an important platform for knowledge exchange and networking of experts in timber construction. The combination of technical presentations and interactive discussions once again contributed to deepening the common understanding and promoting cooperation in the timber construction industry.

During the following break, over coffee and pastries, the discount culture in the field of structural engineering was controversially discussed, also in view of other disciplines such as architecture, building physics, and other specialized planning.

After the break, DI Dr. Jörg Koppelhuber gave a presentation on “Planning information and tender prerequisites – what the tendering party needs from the timber construction engineer”. He emphasized the necessity of detailed, clear, and above all, completed planning at the time of tendering. It was discussed what “completed planning” means for structural engineering at the time of tendering and how this can be offered or charged according to LM.VM. can be offered or charged. Dr. Koppelhuber also explained why it is of great advantage in timber construction to tender a building with a sealed building envelope (timber construction + timber-related trades as one tender package).

Immediately following, DDI Christian Dold gave the presentation “Moisture management and quality assurance in execution”. Using current examples from practice, the importance of moisture management during the construction phase was demonstrated. The lively participation in the discussion during the presentation gave the topic the desired attention. It turned out that in view of the increasingly larger timber construction projects, combined with new – often still inexperienced in timber construction – market companions, too little attention is paid to the topic of moisture management – generally, by all project participants. Thus, Mr. DDI Dold was able to successfully demonstrate the importance of moisture management and quality assurance in the context of modern timber construction to the group of timber construction engineers.

As has been customary in the past, the roundtable concluded with a convivial gathering and a buffet, which offered participants the opportunity for informal exchange and networking. The 32nd Timber Construction Statics Roundtable once again confirmed its role as an important platform for knowledge exchange and networking of experts in timber construction. The combination of technical presentations and interactive discussions contributed significantly to deepening the common understanding and promoting collaboration in the industry.

    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
    KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects

    Was ist der Holzbaustatiker-Stammtisch?

    Der Holzbau-Statiker-Stammtisch wurde im Jahr 2011 in der Steiermark – damals unter der Führung des Holzcluster Steiermark, später proHolz Steiermark – als Informations- und Austauschplattform für Holzbau Statiker:innen und Tragwerksplaner:innen des Holzbaus ins Leben gerufen. Nach dem Motto „Aus der Praxis – für die Praxis“ treffen sich die (fast ausschließlich) im Holzbau tätigen Tragwerksplaner:innen aus ganz Österreich – d.h. ausschließlich Ziviltechniker:innen sowie Statiker:innen produzierender und/oder ausführender Unternehmen der Holzbranche – in regelmäßigen Abständen 2 bis 3 x pro Jahr an unterschiedlichen Standorten in Österreich und tauschen sich zu verschiedenen Themen der Holzbau-Statik auf sehr hohem und vor allem praxisnahen Niveau aus.

    Am mittlerweile durch die österreichische Holzbauplattform bzw. dem Fachverband der Holzindustrie veranstalteten und seit Beginn an durch Jörg Koppelhuber und Helmut Stingl durchgeführten Holzbau-Statiker-Stammtisch nehmen im Durchschnitt 30 bis 40 Personen teil, welche einerseits durch Inputvorträge Neues im Bereich der Normung, Statik und Detail- sowie Materialentwicklung erfahren, aber vor allem durch intensive Diskussionen und Inputs aus den eigenen Büros und produzierenden (ausführenden) Unternehmen der Holzbranche das immer größer und komplexer werdende Themenfeld der Holzbaukonstruktion in all seinen Facetten beleuchten, diskutieren und gemeinsam weiter entwickeln. Zahleiche sehr fachspezifische holzbauliche Themen wurden in der Vergangenheit bereits erörtert und damit der Erfahrungsaustausch gefördert. Viele weitere Stammtische mit visionären sowie alltäglichen Herausforderungen werden noch durch die Gemeinschaft der Holzbau-Statiker:innen die Aktualität des Holzbaus herausstreichen.

    28. Holzbau Statikerstammtisch - 06. Juni 2023 IBS Linz

    Für weitere Informationen zum Holzbaustatiker-Stammtisch oder eine Übersicht der bisherigen Themen kontaktieren Sie uns gerne unter

      New construction single family house w. | stainzYear2019

      330 m² GFA

      Design, submission planning


      Measurement stadtvilla s. | grazYear2018

      840 m² GFA

      Aumaß, as-built plan


      remodeling office t. | grazremodeling office t. | grazYear2018

      240 m² GFA

      Design, submission planning, implementation planning

      Status f

      Conversion apartment s. | viennaConversion apartment s. | viennaYear2017

      60 m² NNF

      Design, implementation planning, tendering


      Addition and conversion of a family house k. | bärnbachYear2016

      180 m² NNF

      Design, submission planning


      consulting & management

      Feucht und Nassräume im Holzbau


      Flyer Abdichtung Durchdringung Monitoring Herbst 2024 V2

      Der stetig wachsende Anteil des Holzbaus stellt aufgrund neuer Materialien, deren Kombinationen sowie auch Verarbeitungstechnologien eine teils große Herausforderung für Planende und Ausführende im Bauwesen dar. Insbesondere ist dabei die Planung von Feucht- und Nassräumen im mehrgeschoßigen Holzbau mit zahlreichen Akteuren auf kleinstem Raum, den wachsenden Anforder­ungen an Abdichtungen, Durchdringenden und zugehörigen Toleranzen, der Vielzahl an anzuwendenden ÖNORMEN, den zugehörigen Richtlinien & Merkblättern, den zahlreichen tech­nischen Möglichkeiten und auch den herstellerspezifischen Produkten ein  schwer überschaubares und komplexes Aufgabengebiet mit weitreichenden Auswirkungen bei Falschan­wendung.

      Mit dem neu entwickelten Praxisseminar “Feucht- und Nassräume im Holzbau: ABDICHTUNG DURCHDRINGUNG – BRANDABSCHOTTUNG – MONITORING” bieten wir einen Überblick über normative Grundsätze, Richtlinien, Ausführungsvarianten und Produkteinsatzmöglichkeiten. 

      lädt daher gemeinsam mit KOPPELHUBER² und Partner ZT OG zur österreichweiten Seminarreihe 2024 ein.

      PROGRAMM SEMINARREIHE 13.30 – 18.00 Uhr

      ab 13:00 Uhr Eintreffen

      13.30 – 14.00 Uhr Grundlagen
      • Begrüßung & Intention
      • Grundlagen & Herausforderungen     

      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & ArchitectsSR-Heft-39_Koppelhuber_CoverHALBTAGES-PRAXISSEMINAR

      14.00 – 15.00 Uhr Brandschutz
      • Normen und Grundsätze Brandschutz
      • Planungsgrundsätze und Ausführungsmöglichkeiten
      • Praxisbeispiele – HILTI


      15.00 – 15.30 Uhr Pause

      15.30 – 16.15 Uhr Abdichtung
      • Normen und Grundsätze Abdichtung
      • Planungsgrundsätze und Ausführungsmöglichkeiten
      • Praxisbeispiele – ISOCELL

      16.15 – 17.00 Uhr Monitoring
      • Grundsätze Monitoring
      • Planungsgrundsätze und Ausführungsmöglichkeiten
      • Praxisbeispiele – SIHGA      


      17.00 – 18.00 Uhr Ausführung
      • Praktikervorführungen HILTI, ISOCELL, SIHGA
      • Imbiss und gemeinsamer Ausklang
      • 18:00 Uhr Ende der Veranstaltung


      • Schaffung eines umfassenden Überblickes mit zugehörigen Detailinformationen über die grundlegenden Normen und Richtlinien (ÖN B 3692, ÖN B 2320, ÖN B 2330, ÖN B 3407, ÖN EN 13969, OIB RL 2,…)
      • Aufzeigen von möglichen Planungs- und Ausführungslösungsansätzen sowie -varianten
      • Präsentation & Diskussion von ausgeführten Praxisbeispielen mit möglichen Auswirkungen auf Bautechnik, Detailplanung, Umsetzung und Kosten sowie möglichen Bandbreiten in der Anwendung
      • Herstellerspezifische Anwendungsbeispiele durch die mitveranstaltenden Unternehmen HILTI, SIHGA, ISOCELL
      • Spezifischer Fokus auf den großvolumigen Holzbau

      ZIELGRUPPE – Ausführende und Planende

      • Ziviltechniker:innen und (planende) Baumeister & Holzbaumeister / Ingenieurbüros
      • ausführende Unternehmen: Holzbaumeister & Baumeister, Installateure, Abdichtungs­unternehmen
      • Bautechniker:innen, Bauleiter:innen, Poliere/ Vorarbeiter:innen
      • Auftrageber:innen und deren Vertreter:innen (Architekt:innen, ÖBA etc.)


      • Vortragsfolien als ausführliche Seminarunterlagen in elektronischer & gedruckter Form
      • Informationen der teilnehmenden Unternehmen


      • KOPPELHUBER² und Partner ZT OG, Graz: Daniela und Jörg Koppelhuber
      • HILTI Austria Gesellschaft m.b.H., Wien: Ronny Ertel
      • ISOCELL GmbH & Co KG, Neumarkt am Wallersee: Johann Schwaighofer
      • SIHGA GmbH Befestigungstechnik, Ohlsdorf: Shaher Meshraki


      07.11.2024 | Kuchl | (Abgesagt)

      Unterstützer proHolz Salzburg, Holztechnikum Kuchl, Markt 136, 5431 Kuchl

      14.11.2024 | Linz

      Unterstützer BIC, Techcenter Linz, Hafenstraße 47-51, 4020 Linz

      21.11.2024 | Graz

      HTBLVA Graz Ortweinschule, Körösistraße 157, 8010 Graz

      Abgesagt zur Anmeldung in Linz zur Anmeldung in Graz

      KOSTEN € 245,-

      • Im Betrag inbegriffen sind die Seminarunterlagen in gedruckter und digitaler Form, Getränke und Imbiss.
      • Die Preise verstehen sich exkl. 20% USt.
      • Die Verrechnung erfolgt durch KOPPELHUBER² und Partner – consulting engineers & architects ZT OG.
      • 10 % Rabatt ab der zweiten Person eines Unternehmens, inkl. der Seminarunterlagen.


      Wir ersuchen Sie um eine schriftlich verbindliche Anmeldung bis 01.10.2024 bzw. 14 Tage vor dem Seminar. Anmeldungen bitte den jeweiligen Button zu dem entsprechenden Termin/Seminarort verwenden. Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte gerne an


      16.03.2023 | Graz (Stmk)
      13.04.2023 | Linz (Oö)
      20.04.2023 | Wien (W)
      27.04.2023 | Absam (T)
      10.05.2023 | Kuchl (Sbg)
      31.05.2023 | Wien (W)
      15.06.2023 | Drauhofen (Ktn)
      28.09.2023 | Zeltweg (Stmk)
      05.10.2023 | St. Pölten (Nö)
      07.11.2023 | Ohlsdorf (Oö)
      16.11.2023 | Ludesch (Vlbg)
      11.04.2024 | St. Pölten (Nö)
      18.04.2024 | Neumarkt am Wallersee (SbG)
      25.04.2024 | Wien (W)

      Teilnahme- und Stornobedingungen

      Die Rechnung erhalten Sie in der Woche vor Veranstaltungsbeginn von KOPPELHUBER² und Partner ZT OG. Spätere Anmeldungen
      können nach Rücksprache gerne berücksichtigt werden.
      Die Veranstaltung findet ab 15 Teilnehmer:innen statt, maximale Anzahl Teilnehmer:innen 25.
      Der Veranstalter behält sich das Recht vor, diese Veranstaltung bei zu geringer Anzahl an Teilnehmer:innen abzusagen. Ein
      schriftliches Storno ist bis 1 Wochen vor Veranstaltungsbeginn kostenlos möglich. Bei Absagen bis 3 Tage vor dem Seminar werden
      50% und danach 100% des Gesamtbetrags in Rechnung gestellt. Die Stornogebühr entfällt bei Nennung einer Ersatzperson.

      “Bracing in timber construction – requirements, approaches and solutions”

      On Thursday, June 6, 2024, the 31st Timber Construction Statics Regulars’ Table took place at the Structural Engineering Center of Graz University of Technology.

      With 35 participants from the fields of structural engineering and structural design from all facets of planning and execution of timber construction, a very interesting, varied and, above all, important interdisciplinary specialist discussion was once again held.

      After a very informative and impressive guided tour through the laboratory of the Institute of Timber Construction and Wood Technology at Graz University of Technology in the Building Technology Center by DI Dr. Andreas Ringhofer, the 31st Timber Construction and Structural Engineers Stammtisch began with a welcome and a brief review of the last Stammtisch in March of this year.

      FH-Prof. Dr. Markus Wallner-Novak from the FH Joanneum in Graz and the software manufacturer Waller Mild introduced the participants to the topic of bracing with his lecture “Structural concepts, modeling and load-bearing behavior in multi-storey timber construction”, with both theoretical input and practical approaches. In particular, he addressed the approaches from standardization, but above all the practical construction view and approach of structural engineers, who are paying increasing attention to the topic of bracing in their daily work. This is also due to the fact that timber construction is becoming increasingly large-volume and, above all, higher, and these large building heights have an increasing influence on the issue of bracing.

      Martin Burgschwaiger from ConLignum ZT GmbH then gave a presentation on the “Differences in horizontal bracing from 2 to 12 storeys in cross-laminated timber” from a practical structural engineering perspective. Through the different models and approaches as well as comparative calculations on concrete national and international projects, he shows the great importance of the topic of bracing in timber construction and also the engineering approach to this topic. The questions and discussion approaches of the participants showed the great importance as well as the similar approaches and models of the participants.

      Finally, DI Georg Stelzhammer, representing the IHBV, gave the participants an overview of the IHBV’s current projects and publications. It became clear that many developments are underway but still require intensive processing and scientific research.

      Intensive and well-founded discussions and practical approaches from the participants contributed to the fact that this regulars’ table was very successful from a technical and timber construction perspective. As usual, the lively participation of the participants was followed by an informal exchange over the buffet, which concluded the evening in a pleasant atmosphere. The regulars’ table once again proved to be a very important platform for networking experts at practitioner level and for exchanging knowledge in the field of timber construction at a high level.

      We are already looking forward to the next Stammtisch for timber construction structural engineers!

      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects
      KOPPELHUBER² - Consulting Engineers & Architects

      What is the regulars’ table of timber construction engineers?

      The Holzbau-Statiker-Stammtisch was launched in Styria in 2011 – at that time under the leadership of Holzcluster Steiermark, later proHolz Steiermark – as an information and exchange platform for timber construction structural engineers and structural engineers in timber construction. According to the motto “From practice – for practice”, structural engineers (almost exclusively) working in timber construction from all over Austria – i.e. exclusively civil engineers and structural engineers from manufacturing and/or executing companies in the timber industry – meet at regular intervals 2 to 3 times a year at different locations in Austria and exchange ideas on various topics of timber construction statics at a very high and, above all, practical level.

      The Holzbau-Statiker-Stammtisch, which is now organized by the Austrian Timber Construction Platform and the Timber Industry Association and has been run by Jörg Koppelhuber and Helmut Stingl since the beginning, is attended by an average of 30 to 40 people, who learn about new developments in the fields of standardization, statics and detail and material development through input lectures, but above all through intensive discussions and input from their own offices and manufacturing (executing) companies in the timber industry, which illuminate, discuss and jointly develop the ever-increasing and complex field of timber construction in all its facets. Numerous highly specialized timber construction topics have already been discussed in the past, thus promoting the exchange of experience. Many more regulars’ tables with visionary and everyday challenges will emphasize the topicality of timber construction through the community of timber construction statisticians.

      28. Holzbau Statikerstammtisch - 06. Juni 2023 IBS Linz

      For more information about the Holzbaustatiker regulars’ table or an overview of previous topics, please contact us at

        Accompaniment tender timber construction and facadeAccompaniment tender timber construction and facadeYear2023

        Project-accompanying quality control of the execution in timber construction

        ongoing | atAccompaniment wood construction planning and implementation | atYear2022

        Construction management support and profitability analysis of the FFG project with the focus on construction optimization and construction standardization of circular, serially prefabricated façade elements (made of wood)


        Timberdate - event platform for timber construction | atTimberdate - event platform for timber construction | atTimberdate - event platform for timber construction | atYear2020

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        Survey and analysis of the multi-storey timber housing construction 2008 – 2019 in Austria by means of complete survey, statistical data processing and overall presentation

        ongoing fitnesscheck | fitnesscheck | fitnesscheck | atYear2019

        Establishment of systematic system analyses for process optimization in executing timber construction companies


        Service profile timber construction planning | atService profile timber construction planning | atService profile timber construction planning | atYear2018

        Preparation and adaptation of generally applicable performance and remuneration models (LM.VM.2014) with specifications specific to timber construction and special features for the planning and construction supervision of timber structures


        New edition lg 36 - lb-hb v.022 | atNew edition lg 36 - lb-hb v.022 | atNew edition lg 36 - lb-hb v.022 | atYear2022

        Adaptation and extension of the existing LG 36 Timber construction work for the new edition of the standard service description LB-HB V.023

        completed | | | atYear2021

        Construction management and construction process management of the FFG project with the focus on structural optimization and standardization of different overall constructions for wooden ceiling systems.


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        No posts found.

        No posts found.

        No posts found.

        educate & research


        05/2024 Building technology in timber construction
        EIPOS – European Institute for Postgraduate Education | 03.05.2024 | One-day seminar | Dresden

        04/2024 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with ecoplus NÖ | 25.04.2024 | Vienna

        04/2024 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with ISOCELL GmbH CO KG | 18.04.2024 | Neumarkt am Wallersee

        04/2024 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with ecoplus NÖ | 11.04.2024 | St. Pölten

        04/2024 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Wood+ Campus Graz | 27.02.2024 | Graz

        11/2023 Tendering in timber construction
        Superstructure Academy| 21.11.2023 | one-day seminar | Vienna

        11/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 16.11.2023 | Ludesch

        11/2023 Construction industry update in timber construction
        Überbau Academy| 10.11.2023 | one-day seminar | Vienna

        11/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 07.11.2023 | Ohlsdorf

        10/2023 Building technology and damp-proofing in timber construction
        EIPOS – European Institute for Postgraduate Studies | 18.10.2023 | online

        10/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 05.10.2023 | St. Pölten

        09/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 28.09.2023 | Zeltweg

        06/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 15.06.2023 | Drauhofen

        06/2023 Building technology and damp-proofing in timber construction
        Überbau Academy | 14.06.2023 | One-day seminar | Vienna

        06/2023 Building technology and damp-proofing in timber construction
        In-house seminar architectural office | 01.06.2023 | Half-day seminar | Vienna

        05/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 31.05.2023 | Vienna

        05/2023 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        Überbau Academy | 24.05.2023 | One-day seminar | Vienna

        05/2023 Ecology as a planning task in multi-storey residential buildings – cost comparison of construction methods
        TU Vienna | 24.05.2023 | Guest lecture | Vienna

        05/2023 Building technology and damp-proofing in timber construction
        In-house seminar for general planners | 23.05.2023 | One-day seminar | Vienna

        05/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 10.05.2023 | Kuchl

        04/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 27.04.2023 | Absam

        04/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 20.04.2023 | Vienna

        04/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria |13.04.2023 | Linz

        03/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 16.03.2023 | Graz

        11/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36 | 23.11.2022 | One-day seminar | St.Pölten

        11/2022 Tendering in timber construction intensive day – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        Überbau Academy | 16.11.2022 | One-day seminar | Vienna

        11/2022 Building technology in timber construction – planning principles and implementation guidelines for material-compliant integration
        EIPOS | Seminar series “All wood”: Building technology in timber construction | 10.11.2022 | online

        10/2022 Building waterproofing in wet rooms – a challenge in timber construction
        SV regional association Upper Austria and Salzburg | 27.10.2022 | Seminar | Linz

        10/2022 Building waterproofing in wet rooms – a challenge in timber construction
        SV regional association Upper Austria and Salzburg | 21.10.2022 | Seminar | Salzburg

        09/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        ecoplus Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich and proHolz NÖ | 07.09.2022 | Day seminar | Vienna

        06/2022 Building technology in timber system construction Planning aspects and challenges in execution
        IG Lebenszyklus Bau | AG Process model for hybrid construction and modular system construction | 23.06.2022 | online

        06/2022 LG Compact course on planning and building with wood
        Überbau Academy | Webinar series | 07.06. – 22.6.2022 | online

        05/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36 | 18.05.2022 | one-day seminar | Linz

        05/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        zt-Forum Graz | 12.05.2022 | online

        04/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36 | 27.04.2022 | One-day seminar | Innsbruck

        03/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36 | 09.03.2022 | one-day seminar | Vienna

        03/2022 Do’s and don’ts Experiences from the timber construction site
        Holzcluster Steiermark | “Timber construction – Know how!” Cross-trade training on the timber construction site | 03.03.2022 | online

        01/2022 Timber construction and building technology – Basics of timber construction, integration of building technology, tendering in timber construction
        ARE GmbH |Webinar timber construction and building technology | 21.01.2022 | online

        12/2021 Building technology in timber construction Planning principles and implementation guidelines for material-compliant integration
        EIPOS | Webinar Building technology in timber construction | 09.12.2021 | online

        10/2021 TGA installation and moisture protection in modular timber construction
        imh | 05th Austrian Conference on Modular Construction | 21.10.2021 | Hanersdorf

        10/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        online seminar Überbau Academy | 10.05. and 09.10.2021 | online

        09/2021 Planning principles and implementation guidelines for material-compliant integration
        Überbau Academy | Webinar Building technology in timber construction | 30.09.2021 | online

        09/2021 The challenge of waterproofing buildings in wet rooms Examples from timber construction
        IFB | 18th IFB Symposium Flat Roof Construction Waterproofing | 10.09.2021 | Salzburg

        05/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        GBV Academy | online seminar | 26.05.2021 | online

        05/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        Überbau Academy | online seminar | 10.05 – 11.05.2021 | online

        04/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        ZT Forum Graz | one-day seminar| 27.04.2021 | online

        04/2021 Planning principles and implementation guidelines for material-compliant integration
        ZT Chamber West | Webinar TGA in timber construction | 13.04.2021 | online

        02/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        online seminar eco plus NÖ – proHolz NÖ | 15.02. and 16.02.2021 | online

        02/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        online seminar ZT Chamber West | 10.02. and 11.02.2021 | online

        11/2020 Architectural planning principles as the basis for building technology suitable for timber construction
        proHolz Austria | Seminar bau:Holz – Multi-storey timber construction | 05.11.2020 | online

        10/2020 TGA installation in wood module construction
        imh | 04. Austrian Conference Modular Construction
        | 21.10.2020 | Neufeld an der Leitha

        11/2019 Architectural planning principles as the basis for building technology suitable for timber construction
        proHolz Austria | Seminar bau:Holz – Multi-storey timber construction | 21.11.2019 | Vienna

        10/2019 Architectural planning principles as the basis for building technology suitable for timber construction
        proHolz Austria | Seminar bau:Holz – Multi-storey timber construction | 15.10.2019 | Salzburg

        06/2019 Architectural planning principles as the basis for building technology suitable for timber construction
        proHolz Austria | Seminar bau:Holz – Multi-storey timber construction | 06.06.2019 | Vienna

        05/2019 Ecology in Multi-Storey Residential Buildings – Interdependency Between Ecology and Costs of Building Materials
        ISEC | Conference ISEC 10 – International Structural Engineering and Construction Society
        | 21.05.2019 | Chicago

        04/2019 Architectural planning principles as the basis for building technology suitable for timber construction
        proHolz Austria | Seminar bau:Holz – Multi-storey timber construction
        | 30.04.2019 | Linz

        04/2019 Economic considerations for TGA planning in timber construction – avoiding time and cost traps
        Holzforschung Austria | 10th International Wood (Building) Physics Congress: Building Physics Forum 2019
        | 11.04.2019 | Bad Ischl

        11/2018 Architectural planning principles as the basis for building technology suitable for timber construction
        proHolz Austria | Seminar bau:Holz – Multi-storey timber construction | 15.11.2018 | Vienna

        06/2018 Architectural planning principles as the basis for building technology suitable for timber construction
        proHolz Austria | Seminar bau:Holz – Multi-storey timber construction | 07.06.2018 | Vienna

        04/2018 Challenges and forward-looking solutions for cable routing in multi-storey timber construction
        ZT-Forum | Seminar Multi-storey timber construction: Integral planning and execution of cable routing structures | 26.04.2018 | Graz

        01/2018 Ecology as a planning task in multi-storey residential buildings
        IBO Association and Ltd. | BauZ! 2018: Vienna Congress for Sustainable Building | 25.01.2018 | Vienna

        11/2017 Ecology as a planning task in multi-storey residential buildings: cost comparison of construction methods
        FH Burgenland | Conference e-nova 2017: Future of buildings: digital – decentralized – ecological
        | 23.11.2017 | Pinkafeld

        05/2024 Integrative timber construction planning
        EIPOS – European Institute for Postgraduate Education | 04.05.2024 | One-day seminar | Dresden

        04/2024 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with ecoplus NÖ | 25.04.2024 | Vienna

        04/2024 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with ISOCELL GmbH CO KG | 18.04.2024 | Neumarkt am Wallersee

        04/2024 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with ecoplus NÖ | 11.04.2024 | St. Pölten

        04/2024 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Wood+ Campus Graz | 27.02.2024 | Graz

        03/2024 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        TiroLignum | 12.03.2024 | One-day seminar | Absam

        03/2024 Calculation in the main and auxiliary construction trades according to ÖNORM B 2061 – application and practical examples
        BAUAkademie Salzburg | 08.03.2024 | One-day seminar | Salzburg

        02/2024 Calculation in the main and auxiliary construction trades according to ÖNORM B 2061 – application and practical examples
        WIFI Upper Austria | 06.02.2024 | Linz

        01/2024 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        SIHGA® Academy | 01.02.2024 | One-day seminar | Ohlsdorf

        11/2023 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        Überbau Academy | 21.11.2023 | One-day seminar | Vienna

        11/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 16.11.2023 | Ludesch

        11/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 07.11.2023 | Ohlsdorf

        10/2023 Modular timber construction
        IMH – 7th Öster. Modular construction conference | 24.10.2023 | Vienna

        10/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 05.10.2023 | St. Pölten

        09/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 28.09.2023 | Zeltweg

        06/2023 Construction industry update in timber construction
        BIC – building innovation cluster | 21.06.2023 | one-day seminar | Linz

        06/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 15.06.2023 | Drauhofen

        05/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 31.05.2023 | Vienna

        05/2023 Dry construction & timber construction: Planning – prefabrication – construction operation – construction systems – interfaces
        Guest lecture as part of the dry construction course for HTL teachers at the University of Teacher Education Lower Austria | 25.05.2023 | Vienna

        05/2023 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        Überbau Academy| 24.05.2023 | one-day seminar | Vienna

        05/2023 Tendering, cost planning, calculation and project management in industrial timber construction
        Guest lecture in the course Resource-efficient materialization, project development and execution with Prof. Alireza Fadai (TU Vienna) | 17.05.2023 | Vienna

        05/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 10.05.2023 | Kuchl

        05/2023 Tendering and cost planning in timber construction
        Guest lecture as part of the course Contemporary Timber Architecture with Prof. Tom Kaden (TU Graz) | 03.05.2023 | Graz

        04/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 27.04.2023 | Absam

        04/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 20.04.2023 | Vienna

        04/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria |13.04.2023 | Linz

        03/2023 Damp and wet rooms in timber construction: Sealing – penetration – fire protection – monitoring
        Seminar series KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG together with holzbau austria | 16.03.2023 | Graz

        03/2023 Construction manager course Module 3 – Offer: Application and practical examples in the K2, K3 and K7 sheets
        Company-specific construction manager course at the Upper Austrian Construction Academy Seminar for a general contractor | 11.03.2023 | Upper Austria

        03/2023 Multi-storey timber buildings in Austria – study on current market share and concepts in a turbulent cost situation
        Presentation at the Austria Showcase Foreign Trade Office WKO Nordic | 08.03.2023 | Copenhagen, DK

        01/2023 Construction industry update in timber construction Calculation & organization: cost planning – calculation – billing – documentation
        Styrian Timber Construction Guild | 26.01.2021 | Lecture in seminar series | Graz

        11/2022 Calculation in the main and auxiliary building trades according to ÖNORM B 2061 – Application and practical examples in the K2, K3 and K7 sheets
        Association of Austrian Insulation Companies | 24.11.2022 | Vienna

        11/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36 | 23.11.2022 | One-day seminar | St. Pölten

        11/2022 Tendering in timber construction intensive day – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        Überbau Academy | 16.11.2022 | One-day seminar | Vienna

        10/2022 Planning and building with wood – Update construction management timber construction
        O.K. House | 30.09. – 12.10.2022 | inhouse

        09/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        ecoplus Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich and proHolz NÖ | 07.09.2022 | Day seminar | Vienna

        06/2022 LG Compact course on planning and building with wood
        Überbau Academy | Webinar series | 07.06. – 22.06.2022 | online

        06/2022 Tendering, cost planning & calculation in timber construction – Why standardization must go beyond planning & components
        forum holzbau – Technology & Economy | 2nd International Congress HolzBau | 01.06. – 02.6.2022 | Memmingen, Germany

        05/2022 Tendering, cost planning, calculation and project management in industrial timber construction
        Guest lecture in course MODULE Resource-efficient materialization with Prof. Alireza Fadai (TU Vienna) | 25.05.2022 | Vienna

        05/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36 | 18.05.2022 | one-day seminar |Linz

        05/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        zt-Forum | 12.05.2022 | online

        05/2022 Tendering and cost planning in timber construction
        Guest lecture as part of the course Structure, Form, Space with Prof. Tom Kaden (TU Graz) | 05.05.2022 | Graz

        04/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36 | 27.04.2022 | one-day seminar |Innsbruck

        03/2022 Tender and costs
        University course Multi-storey timber hybrid construction 2021/2022 (CP) | Module 3 Systematized planning | 18.03.2022 | Danube University Krems

        03/2022 Costs and calculation in timber construction
        holzbaumeister Salzburg | 10.03.2022 | one-day seminar | Kuchl

        03/2022 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36 | 09.03.2022 | one-day seminar |Vienna

        10/2021 Innovation Management – Module 1
        one day in the context of the university course Multi-storey timber hybrid construction 2021 | 12.10.2021 | Danube University Krems

        10/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        online seminar Überbau Academy | 09.10.2021 | online

        09/2021 Useful life and intrinsic value in timber construction – value-influencing specifics of real estate valuation
        Lecture in seminar series Landesinnung Holzbau Oberösterreich | 28.09.2021 | Steyregg

        09/2021 Construction process management
        Lecture as part of the FFG qualification project Nach.Plan.Bauen of the FH Campus Wien | 03.09.2021 | online

        06/2021 Tendering and cost planning in timber construction
        Guest lecture in the course Structure, Form, Space with Prof. Tom Kaden (TU Graz) | 10.06.2021 | online

        05/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        GBV Academy | online seminar | 26.05.2021 | online

        05/2021 Costs in multi-storey timber construction – Industrial construction with timber – Tendering – Multi-storey timber construction course
        Seminar series proHolz Austria | Arch+Ing Academy | 26.05.2021 | online

        05/2021 Tendering, cost planning, calculation and project management in industrial timber construction
        Guest lecture in course MODULE Resource-efficient materialization with Prof. Alireza Fadai (TU Vienna) | 18.05.2021 | Vienna

        05/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        Überbau Academy | online seminar | 10.05 – 11.05.2021 | online

        04/2021 Business models and cooperation processes
        Lecture in the context of the FFG qualification project Holzbau 4.0 of the FH Campus Wien | 29.04.2021 | online

        04/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        ZT Forum Graz | day seminar | 27.04.2021 | online

        03/2021 Construction industry update in timber construction – tendering, calculation, offer, invoicing, supplement – essentials and news
        Lecture in seminar series Landesinnung Holzbau Steiermark | 04.03.2021 | online

        02/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        online seminar eco plus NÖ – proHolz NÖ | 15.02. and 16.02.2021 | online

        02/2021 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        online seminar ZT Chamber West | 10.02. and 11.02.2021 | online

        01/2021 Costs in multi-storey timber hybrid construction – Module 5
        one day as part of the university course Multi-storey timber hybrid construction 2020 | 13.01.2021 | Danube University Krems

        10/2020 Costs in multi-storey timber construction – Industrial construction with timber – Tendering – Multi-storey timber construction course
        Seminar series proHolz Austria | Arch+Ing Academy | 29.10.2020 | online

        10/2020 Innovation Management – Module 1
        one day as part of the university course Multi-storey timber hybrid construction 2020 | 06.10.2020 | Danube University Krems

        09/2020 Tendering in timber construction – basics, innovations and application of the new LG 36
        Day seminar ZT Forum Graz | 16.09.2020 | Graz

        08/2020 Vision and mission in timber construction how to avoid cost traps – lecture build in wood
        Conference 25-26.08.2020 – Lecture 26.08.2020 | Copenhagen – Denmark

        05/2020 Tendering, cost planning, calculation and project management in industrial timber construction
        Guest lecture in course MODULE Resource-efficient materialization with Prof. Alireza Fadai (TU Vienna) | 26.05.2020 | Vienna

        05/2020 Tendering and cost planning in timber construction
        Guest lecture as part of the course Structure, Form, Space with Prof. Tom Kaden (TU Graz) | 07.05.2020 | Graz

        01/2020 Competence in tendering & cost planning to avoid cost traps in timber construction
        proHolz Steiermark | Themed evening Efficient planning processes in timber construction | 21.01.2020 | TU Graz

        01/2020 Calculation in the ancillary and building trade according to ÖNORM B 2061 – Application and practical examples in the K3 and K7 sheet
        Seminar Calculation Landesinnung Bauneben- und Bauhilfsgewerbe Oberösterreich | 14.01.2020 | Schärding

        12/2019 Calculation in the ancillary and building trade according to ÖNORM B 2061 – application and practical examples in the K3 and K7 sheet
        Seminar Calculation Landesinnung Bauneben- und Bauhilfsgewerbe Oberösterreich | 18.12.2019 | Gmunden

        12/2019 Calculation in the ancillary and building trade according to ÖNORM B 2061 – application and practical examples in the K3 and K7 sheet
        Seminar Calculation Landesinnung Bauneben- und Bauhilfsgewerbe Oberösterreich | 12.12.2019 | Steyregg

        09/2019 Costs in multi-storey timber construction – Industrial construction with timber – Tendering – Multi-storey timber construction course
        Seminar series proHolz Austria | Arch+Ing Academy | 25.10.2019 | Salzburg

        09/2019 Costs in multi-storey timber construction – Industrial construction with timber – Tendering – Multi-storey timber construction course
        Seminar series proHolz Austria | Arch+Ing Academy | 26.09.2019 | Vienna

        07/2019 Calculation in the ancillary and building trade according to ÖNORM B 2061 – application and practical examples in the K3 and K7 sheet
        Seminar costing Landesinnung Bauneben- und Bauhilfsgewerbe Tirol | 02.07.2019 | Innsbruck

        06/2019 Costs in multi-storey timber hybrid construction – Module 5
        one day within the university course Multi-storey timber hybrid construction 2019 | 29.06.2019 | Danube University Krems

        06/2019 Building process models in timber system construction
        3rd Austrian Modular Construction Conference | 25.-26.06.2019 – Lecture on 26.06.2019 | Vienna

        06/2019 Calculation in the ancillary and auxiliary building trades according to ÖNORM B 2061 – application and practical examples in the K3 and K7 sheet
        Seminar Costing Wifi Burgenland | 06/19/2019 | Wifi Oberwart

        05/2019 Tendering and cost planning in timber construction
        Guest lecture in the course Structure, Form, Space with Prof. Tom Kaden (TU Graz) | 16.05.2019 | Graz

        05/2019 Costs in multi-storey timber construction – Industrial construction with timber – Tendering – Multi-storey timber construction course
        Seminar series proHolz Austria | Arch+Ing Academy | 14.05.2019 | Linz

        04/2019 Costs in multi-storey timber construction – Industrial construction with timber – Tendering – Multi-storey timber construction course
        Seminar series proHolz Austria | Arch+Ing Academy | 11.04.2019 | Vienna

        04/2019 Timber Construction Meets Construction Industry – Costs and Calculation in Timber Construction – Industrial Construction with Wood
        LV at TU Vienna Institute of Architectural Sciences and Structural Design | 08.04.2019 | Vienna

        04/2019 Tendering, cost planning, calculation and project management in industrial timber construction
        Guest lecture in the course Economic and ecological aspects with Prof. Alireza Fadai (TU Vienna) | 08.04.2019 | Vienna

        03/2019 Project management versus construction process management in timber (system) constructionTimber Construction Network Munich | 15.03.2019 | Munich

        03/2019 Calculation in the ancillary and building trade according to ÖNORM B 2061 – application and practical examples in the K3 and K7 sheet
        Seminar Calculation Landesinnung Bauneben- und Bauhilfsgewerbe Steiermark | 14.03.2019 | Bruck a.d.M.

        03/2019 Construction manager training | module – tendering | offer | awarding
        bfi Styria | four full days 08./09.03. and 22./23.03.2019 | Hartberg

        01/2019 Calculation in the ancillary and building trade according to ÖNORM B 2061 – application and practical examples in the K3 and K7 sheet
        Seminar Calculation Landesinnung Bauneben- und Bauhilfsgewerbe Steiermark | 30.01.2019 | Graz

        01/2019 Timber system construction – Where does (the market in) Central Europe stand?
        50th training week for master timber builders and carpenters 14-18.01.2019 | Alpbach

        11/2018 Opportunity in timber system construction – prefabrication and modularity – status quo in Central Europe
        Timber construction technology compact – Holzcluster Oberösterreich | 29.11.2019 | Wels

        11/2018 Tendering and calculation in timber construction
        Course ComSysBau of the University of Innsbruck, Module 6.1 | 04.10.2018 | Innsbruck

        09/2018 Costs in multi-storey timber construction – Industrial construction with timber – Tendering – Multi-storey timber construction course
        Seminar series proHolz Austria | Arch+Ing Academy | 13.09.2018 | Vienna

        09/2018 Industrialized timber construction systems – construction management and building economic aspects.
        Webinar Foreign Trade Office (AW) of WKO Copenhagen | 13.09.2018 | online

        09/2018 Increasing added value through targeted cost control and construction documentation
        forum holzbau workshop | Holzmesse Klagenfurt | 31.08.2018 | Klagenfurt

        06/2018 Cost traps in timber construction – a construction economics view.
        Salon Timbertec | 27.06.2018 | Vienna

        05/2018 Industrial construction with wood – Where do we stand in Central Europe?
        1st Forum Wood Construction Economy | forum holzbau 16.-17.05.2018 | 17.05.2018 | Salzburg

        04/2018 Costs in multi-storey timber construction – Industrial construction with wood – Tendering – Course multi-storey timber construction (1st series – Module 2).
        Seminar series proHolz Austria | Arch+Ing Academy | 05.04.2018 | Vienna

        03/2018 Construction industry in connection technology – Calculation of fasteners
        FFG qualification seminar Holz.Bau.Verbindungen of the FH-Joanneum / ecoplus Bau-Energie-Umwelt-Cluster NÖ | 02.03.2018 | St. Pölten

        02/2018 Economic timber construction with construction management and construction economics approaches.
        Cross laminated timber seminar Fa. Rothoblaas 2018 15.-16.02.2018 | 15.02.2018 | Kurtatsch, South Tyrol

        01/2018 Construction project management in timber construction
        49th training week for timber construction and carpentry masters 15-19.01.218 | 18.01.2018 | Alpbach

        01/2018 Calculation in timber construction
        49th training week for master craftsmen in timber construction and carpentry 15-19.01.218 | 17.01.2018 | Alpbach

        11/2017 Tendering in timber construction – guidelines for the new LG 36 – timber construction work
        Workshop Tendering in timber construction – new standard service description | 29.11.2017 | Holzinnovationszentrum Zeltweg

        10/2017 Timber construction in the construction industry – a paradigm shift towards industrial construction
        10th European Congress (EBH 2017) Forum Holz | Bau | Urban | 28.10.2017 | Cologne, DE

        10/2017 Case Study Timber construction: Tendering and costing – quickly and safely.
        Fast Forward Event ff4u Holzcluster Steiermark + Creative Industries Styria | 04.10.2017 | Graz

        06/2017 Opportunity for timber system construction – modular construction and its possible applications
        Chair at 1st Austrian Conference on Modular Construction 25-27.06.2017 – Lecture on 26.06.2017 with chair / moderation first half day | Vienna

        06/2017 Calculation of timber construction services half-day calculation workshop.
        3 blocks as part of the 1st Austrian Modular Construction Conference 25-27.06.2017 | Vienna

        05/2017 Selected from the research area timber construction and construction industry & News on the standard performance specification LG HB 36 – timber construction & Approaches and evaluation criteria in the business model development in timber system construction.
        in the context of 3rd Forum Timber Construction Meets Building Industry at TU Graz.

        04/2017 Timber construction and construction industry | Costs and calculation – cost structures, calculation approaches, interfaces, comparisons
        FFG qualification course MG Timber and Hybrid – multi-storey timber and hybrid construction | Heidenreichstein | Lecture block

        11/2016 Timber construction – The economic side of building – costs & calculation in multi-storey timber construction
        Architects Forum 2016 | 28.11.2016 | Holzbau Baumgarten, Ebersburg, Germany

        09/2016 Industrialized timber building systems for an increased market share – a holistic approach targeting construction management and building economics
        3rd SCESCM in Bali, Indonesia | 06.09.2016 | Bali

        08/2016 Calculative cost and process analysis of timber-concrete-composite ceilings with focus on effort and performance values for cost calculations of multi-storey timber buildings World Conference on Timber Engineering – WCTE 2016 | 25.08.2016 | Vienna

        01/2016 Timber construction – the economic side of building
        proHolz | 28.01.2016 | Salzburg Specialist event on timber construction – successors wanted! | Salzburg

        12/2015 Increasing market share with timber construction – a construction management and construction economics perspective
        21st International Timber Construction Forum | 24.11.2015 | Garmisch-Partenkirchen

        11/2015 cost calculation in prefabricated timer construction – process analysis on site and applicability for future projects
        ISEC 8 conference Sydney | 24.11.2015 | Sydney – Australia

        05/2015 Timber construction meets construction industry – Costs and calculation in timber construction – Industrial construction with timber
        Course at the TU Vienna | 04.05.2015 | Vienna

        01/2015 Systematic knowledge – economic project processes in timber construction
        Überholz impulse afternoon | 15.01.2015 | Dornbirn

        10/2014 Cost comparisons – timber construction vs. mineral construction methods
        Technology Talks htt15 | 15.10.2014 | Innsbruck

        10/2014 Timber construction – the economic side of building | Costs and calculation in multi-storey timber housing construction
        Holz_Haus_Tage | 02.10.2014 | Bad Ischl

        03/2014 Calculation in timber construction & economic consideration of timber-concrete composite ceilings
        as part of the 1st Forum Timber Construction meets Construction Industry | 19.02.2014 | TU Graz

        02/2014 Calculation in multi-storey solid timber construction – a comparison with mineral solid construction
        Holzbau Parliament | 07.02.2014 | Salzburg2


        03/2021 – 05/2023 | Guest lecturer at the TU Vienna
        Master’s degree in Architecture | Resource-efficient materialization | Technical building equipment in timber construction, ecology in multi-storey residential buildings

        06/2019 – 04/2022 | Guest lecturer at the Danube University Krems
        University course Multi-storey timber hybrid construction | Technical building services in timber construction

        03/2020 – 06/2021 | Teaching assignment at the FH Joanneum Graz
        Master Program Architecture | Tendering and Awarding

        12/2017 – 04/2020 | Lecturer as part of the foreman training for building construction / civil engineering at the Übelbach Construction Academy
        Lecture series on construction operations and the construction industry

        03/2021 – to date | Lecturer in the preparatory course Holzbaumeister Kärnten
        Wifi Klagenfurt | Calculation department

        11/2019 – to date | Lecturer in the preparatory course for master woodworker Styria
        Building Academy Übelbach and Wifi Stmk. | Department of Construction Management and Construction Economics

        03/2019 – to date | Trainer at bfi Styria
        Training as site manager etc.

        11/2018 – to date | Teaching assignment at the TU Graz
        Institute for Construction Management and Construction Economics | LV Construction Management in Precast Construction

        03/2015 – to date | Teaching assignment at the TU Vienna
        Faculty of Architecture | LV Ökonomische und ökologische Aspekte – Lecture Series Tendering, Costs and Calculation in Timber Construction

        03/2020 – 02/2022 | Teaching assignment at the FH Campus Vienna
        LV in master education architecture and civil engineering | LV integral planning

        10/2019 – 02/2022 | Teaching assignment at the FH Joanneum Graz
        Master’s program Architecture | LV AK Project Management

        03/2019 – 02/2022 | Teaching assignment at the FH Kärnten – Campus Spittal
        LV in Bachelor-/Master education Architecture and Civil Engineering | LV Bauwirtschaftslehre MK1 + MK2, Baubetriebswirtschaftslehre Ba

        01/2016 – 07/2021 | Lecturer within the framework of the master craftsman training for timber construction / structural engineering / civil engineering at the Bauakademie Übelbach.
        Series of lectures on construction operations and the construction industry with eight half-day blocks and final papers.


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