32nd Timber Construction Engineers’ Meeting on November 20, 2024 at HIZ – Zeltweg
"Essential additions to structural engineering - what comes before and after timber construction statics"
After the welcome and a review of the last regulars’ table, an online presentation by Univ.-Prof. Arch. DI Hans Lechner (Hans Lechner ZT, Vienna) followed on the topic “Tender submission and fee calculation with the structural engineering performance profile of LM.VM.2023 – what matters”. Prof. Lechner explained the main innovations according to the newly published performance profile (LM.VM.2023) in 2023 and emphasized the importance of a detailed service description, both for services for planners and construction services by contractors. Often, it seems to be a matter of understanding and “interpretation possibilities” that the scope of the planning service, e.g., architecture or structural engineering, is understood differently. Therefore, in spring 2024, Prof. Lechner also published a correspondingly comprehensive commentary on LM.VM.2023 to give users the opportunity to correctly interpret the intended scope of services. In the subsequent discussion, the participants shared their experiences with the LM.VM. (both versions 2014 and 2023) and addressed, among other things, the challenges and best practices in tender submission, but also the “usual”, sometimes ruinously effective discounts in structural engineering. The consensus was that this approach is enormously damaging to timber construction in total due to missing but certainly necessary detailing at an early stage.
During the subsequent break, over coffee and pastries, the discount culture in the field of structural engineering was controversially discussed, also in view of other disciplines such as architecture, building physics, and other specialized planning, and the approaches within the colleagues were critically examined.
After the break, DI Dr. Jörg Koppelhuber (KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG) gave a presentation on “Planning information and tender requirements – what the tendering party needs from the timber construction structural engineer”. He emphasized the necessity of detailed, clear, and above all “finished” planning at the time of tendering. It was discussed what “finished planning” means for structural engineering at the time of tendering, how this is represented in the plans and details of timber construction structural engineers, and how this aligns with LM.VM. can be offered or charged. He also explained why it is of great advantage in timber construction to tender a building as a “building envelope sealed”, i.e., timber construction + timber-related trades as ONE tender package.
Immediately afterwards, DDI Christian Dold (KOPPELHUBER² and Partner ZT OG) gave the presentation “Moisture management and quality assurance in execution”. Using current examples from practice in the context of conducted quality assurance, the enormous importance of moisture management during the construction phase was demonstrated. Through the active participation in the discussion during the presentation, the topic received the desired attention and clearly showed the problems in the execution phase. It turned out that in view of the increasingly larger, more voluminous timber construction projects, combined with new – often still inexperienced in timber construction – market participants, the topic of moisture management – in general, by all project participants – is still given too little attention. Thus, the importance of moisture management and ongoing and detailed quality assurance in prefabrication and on the construction site in the context of modern timber construction could be emphasized in the round of timber construction structural engineers.
As has been customary in the past, the roundtable concluded with a convivial gathering and a buffet, which offered participants the opportunity for informal exchange and networking. The 32nd Timber Construction Structural Engineers’ Regulars’ Table once again confirmed its role as an important platform for knowledge exchange and networking of experts in timber construction. The combination of technical presentations and interactive discussions once again contributed to deepening the common understanding and promoting cooperation in the timber construction industry.
During the following break, over coffee and pastries, the discount culture in the field of structural engineering was controversially discussed, also in view of other disciplines such as architecture, building physics, and other specialized planning.
After the break, DI Dr. Jörg Koppelhuber gave a presentation on “Planning information and tender prerequisites – what the tendering party needs from the timber construction engineer”. He emphasized the necessity of detailed, clear, and above all, completed planning at the time of tendering. It was discussed what “completed planning” means for structural engineering at the time of tendering and how this can be offered or charged according to LM.VM. can be offered or charged. Dr. Koppelhuber also explained why it is of great advantage in timber construction to tender a building with a sealed building envelope (timber construction + timber-related trades as one tender package).
Immediately following, DDI Christian Dold gave the presentation “Moisture management and quality assurance in execution”. Using current examples from practice, the importance of moisture management during the construction phase was demonstrated. The lively participation in the discussion during the presentation gave the topic the desired attention. It turned out that in view of the increasingly larger timber construction projects, combined with new – often still inexperienced in timber construction – market companions, too little attention is paid to the topic of moisture management – generally, by all project participants. Thus, Mr. DDI Dold was able to successfully demonstrate the importance of moisture management and quality assurance in the context of modern timber construction to the group of timber construction engineers.
As has been customary in the past, the roundtable concluded with a convivial gathering and a buffet, which offered participants the opportunity for informal exchange and networking. The 32nd Timber Construction Statics Roundtable once again confirmed its role as an important platform for knowledge exchange and networking of experts in timber construction. The combination of technical presentations and interactive discussions contributed significantly to deepening the common understanding and promoting collaboration in the industry.

Was ist der Holzbaustatiker-Stammtisch?
Der Holzbau-Statiker-Stammtisch wurde im Jahr 2011 in der Steiermark – damals unter der Führung des Holzcluster Steiermark, später proHolz Steiermark – als Informations- und Austauschplattform für Holzbau Statiker:innen und Tragwerksplaner:innen des Holzbaus ins Leben gerufen. Nach dem Motto „Aus der Praxis – für die Praxis“ treffen sich die (fast ausschließlich) im Holzbau tätigen Tragwerksplaner:innen aus ganz Österreich – d.h. ausschließlich Ziviltechniker:innen sowie Statiker:innen produzierender und/oder ausführender Unternehmen der Holzbranche – in regelmäßigen Abständen 2 bis 3 x pro Jahr an unterschiedlichen Standorten in Österreich und tauschen sich zu verschiedenen Themen der Holzbau-Statik auf sehr hohem und vor allem praxisnahen Niveau aus.
Am mittlerweile durch die österreichische Holzbauplattform bzw. dem Fachverband der Holzindustrie veranstalteten und seit Beginn an durch Jörg Koppelhuber und Helmut Stingl durchgeführten Holzbau-Statiker-Stammtisch nehmen im Durchschnitt 30 bis 40 Personen teil, welche einerseits durch Inputvorträge Neues im Bereich der Normung, Statik und Detail- sowie Materialentwicklung erfahren, aber vor allem durch intensive Diskussionen und Inputs aus den eigenen Büros und produzierenden (ausführenden) Unternehmen der Holzbranche das immer größer und komplexer werdende Themenfeld der Holzbaukonstruktion in all seinen Facetten beleuchten, diskutieren und gemeinsam weiter entwickeln. Zahleiche sehr fachspezifische holzbauliche Themen wurden in der Vergangenheit bereits erörtert und damit der Erfahrungsaustausch gefördert. Viele weitere Stammtische mit visionären sowie alltäglichen Herausforderungen werden noch durch die Gemeinschaft der Holzbau-Statiker:innen die Aktualität des Holzbaus herausstreichen.
Für weitere Informationen zum Holzbaustatiker-Stammtisch oder eine Übersicht der bisherigen Themen kontaktieren Sie uns gerne unter office@koppelhuber-partner.at